Fanfare to the Common Experience

This is an age
In which the common experience 
Is coming to an end.

We are becoming splintered
Away from unity
At the apparent cost
Of bringing everyone
To the table.

I wonder why
It is necessary 
For the one
To be linked
With the other.

But it was decided
And so it is.

And so this is
A fanfare
To the common experience.

Soon we will have
Something separate 
For everyone.

Not just segments of population 
But every one person.

And language will splinter
So this is a fanfare to Babel.

That is exactly what this is,
A tower built back up
And brought back down
Not by the hand of a capricious god
But by ordinary people
Thinking themselves gods
In their great benevolence 
Bringing about destruction 
By order of the common good.

The common man,
The common experience,
The common good.

Well, c’mon.

But perhaps
Things will be different 
Next year.


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