Who Tells Your Story?

As the song goes,
Who lives?
Who dies?
Who tells your story?

And that,
I mean to talk about here,
Is the whole crux of it.

It’s in the telling.

It’s not even in the facts
But in the telling.

Once more,
The Boston Massacre.

Here’s one of the most famous
American stories,
Enduring from even before
There technically was a country at all,

But, clearly,
A very good story.

Something really did happen,
But in the telling
It became something else.

It became legend.

It became,

Which of course
Was what it was always intended 
To be.

And then John Adams
Defends the bad guys in court,
And wins his case.

And the story never
Goes away.

Such is the power
Of stories.

There is literally
No longer any reason
To tell the story
Except to illustrate 
The passion of patriots,
Of a revolution,
And yet still
The story goes on.

This is an age
Of iconoclasts
And yet 
This story

That’s the world we live in.

In essence
We’re saying
If we were in that court,
Regardless of the facts,
We would absolutely 
Uphold the narrative 
Of the Boston Massacre.

Because nothing is more important
Than being right,
Even if the facts
Must be told
In the form of a story
That isn’t true.

All of which is to say,
Who tells the story?
And why?

Well, you know.


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