All My Favorite Colors

I don’t know,
I’ve never particularly 
Had a problem
Integrating the world.

But that’s the problem
That so often happens 
For others,
And I think
It’s the biggest problem.

It’s great to know
How things are different 
But to keep them
Locked up in little boxes,
As if something will be lost...

And I get it,
There have been efforts
To lose identity 
By force,
To integrate
By eliminating 
A minority’s features,
And that was always wrong.

But it’s also wrong
To repudiate
The melting pot.

It’s wrong
To rob yourself
Of the ability
To embrace unfamiliar things
Because you think 
It might threaten 
The integrity
Of what you’ve got.

But listen,
You have no integrity
If you fear such a world.

You lose far more
Than you retain
If you hide from
The possibilities.

If all you experience 
Is an echo chamber
Then eventually 
You go deaf.

So this is a message
For all my sisters and my brothers.


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