Lilac Time
When I think Of nursing homes During the pandemic, Which seemed to transform Into ever more certain Incubators of death, Toward which we seemed To resign ourselves, Taking no measures Except ceasing That last mercy, The last manifestation Of hope, The act of visitation, I think of my mother. Six years ago today, And as I write these words I wonder what she was Experiencing Even during these moments. She was dying. I was working My last night shift At the second of three Locations For a company Best known For a rubber and leather boot, A curious creation Always in the middle Of one thing or another. And always, I find myself In the middle Of that day. When my father and I Arrived for the first Of our twice daily visits We found her breathing Heavily, Shallow, Great sucking efforts, Loud, Discomfiting. They told us She was dying. They told us They didn’t know how long It would take. This was towards nine, About five hours From when I am...