I lament a world That loses the ability To interpret the past. I lament a world That reinterprets, Instead, And leaves nothing of its own Because it becomes too timid, Convicted only Of the conviction To do no harm. It harms the world, And I lament that world, That permits its foibles When recognized But condemns them When regretted. What kind of world is that? A flat world, A world devoid Of shape, Of color, Where differences Are anathema Unless accompanied By guilt. So much lost. And we fear, Always, The coming world, The loss of everything, A climate of fear Anchored by nothing Except fear. I lament the world, Gargling gargoyles And all, For there are no frescos In San Fransisco, No artists, Everything art But artless, No legacy, All ambition suppressed, The critics only critical Of any such notion. I lament such a world.